Talking to GPs about their locum insurance, it’s obvious that the policy feature that one GP thinks is essential is another’s total waste of money. 

Want cover for HIV contracted through work?  How about jury service?  Would you need a policy which pays towards home modifications, hospital trips and childcare costs if you’re injured in an accident?   Do you want permanent cover that won’t be withdrawn no matter how many times you have to claim?

Offering our clients a choice of 3 different levels of cover, we have found that 47% choose the policy which covers them only for illness and accident, 36% of clients go for broader cover which includes jury service and suspension, while the rest choose the most extensive range of cover which includes all of the above along with phased return to work, home modifications and so on.

Then, when it comes to permanent cover, it’s almost a 50/50 split between those who think a permanent policy is vital versus those who prefer an annually renewable policy.

It’s crystal clear from our experience that no one type of policy suits everyone. With that in mind, we’ve made sure we  can even accommodate group practices where the GPs each want different cover.   After all, we wouldn’t want to force anyone to take something that’s ‘another man’s poison’.

Author: Lynda Cox, January 2013

The opinions presented in this blog are solely those of the author on behalf of Practice Cover Limited and they do not constitute individual advice.


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