What is Overheads Insurance?
Overheads Insurance is designed to meet practice or business overheads if a fee-earning business owner, such as a dentist, cannot work due to illness or an accident.
Will you give me advice?
Yes, our experienced staff will advise you on the cover suitable for you and your practice.
Who can take out a policy?
The policy can be taken out by a fee-based business or practice. Premiums are paid by the business or practice and the business or practice will be the policyholder. In the event of a claim, claim payments would be made to the policyholder.
How much insurance do I need?
The benefits you select will take the form of a weekly sum insured which should take into account all the recurring expenses of your practice. If there are several of you contributing to the business or practice overheads then the sum insured for each person should be calculated in the appropriate proportion.
You can be insured for up to £3,000* per week, per person and, in the event of a claim the amount payable is the lower of your selected sum insured and the weekly level of overheads for which you are responsible.
*higher sums may be available on request
What will I be covered for?
Overheads insurance will cover you, worldwide*, for absence from work due to accident and illness. Depending on the cover you select, you may also be eligible for:
- a weekly benefit if you are summoned for jury service, suspended from practicing, need to undergo training for revalidation purposes or need compassionate leave and
- a payment if you take maternity, paternity or adoption leave, are infected by HIV via a needlestick injury in the course of your work and a number of other eventualities.
Full details of the cover are contained in the Policy Document.*with the exception of Afghanistan, Chechnya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, Israel (Gaza and West Bank only) and Somalia
What are the exclusions?
The full range of exclusions is shown in the Policy Document, available on request.
In summary, they are:
- taking part in military operations
- taking part in aeronautics
- mountaineering, rock climbing
- racing
- self-inflicted injury
- criminal acts,
- war, terrorism
- being under the influence of alcohol
- insanity
- radioactive contamination
Please note that there is no automatic exclusion for anxiety, stress or depression.
What is the Benefit Period?
The Benefit Period is the maximum period for which the weekly sum insured will be payable, after expiry of the excess period. It is generally 52 weeks but you can select a shorter period if required e.g. 13, 26 or 39 weeks. The shorter the Benefit Period, the lower the premium.
How long is the weekly Sum Insured paid?
In the case of a claim for illness or accident, the Sum Insured will be paid for as long as the insured person remains temporarily totally unable to work, up to a maximum of 52 weeks, or less, if you have requested a shorter Benefit Period. Payments will commence after the end of the deferment period. Note though, that there is no deferment period for lump sum benefits payable in the event of accident or for jury service.
What is the deferment period?
The deferment period is the initial period, after the illness or accident, during which the sum insured will not be paid. The deferment period is selected by you when you take out the policy. The longer the deferment period, the lower your premium will be.
How long does the insurance last?
The duration of the cover is 12 months. This means that, shortly before the end of the year, we will contact you about renewing your cover for another year.
What is the age limit?
We can insure people from 18 upwards. Those aged over 70 may be insurable on our annually renewable policy only and would need to complete an annual declaration of health.
What is the tax position?
You may be eligible for tax relief on the premiums as a business expense of the business or practice - please consult your tax adviser or your Tax Inspector.
How do I pay?
We have a range of payment options as follows:
- in full by cheque
- in full by BACS
- In either 6 or 10 monthly instalments, subject to a credit charge.
What is Insurance Premium Tax (IPT)?
IPT is a tax on the premium you pay for all general insurance policies where the risk is located in the UK. This includes Overheads Insurance, as well as motor, household, travel and other protection cover. IPT is automatically included in the premium we quote.
How do I set up cover for my practice or business?
The first stage is to get a quote. You can have as many quotes as you like and, once you have one that suits your requirements, you will need to complete a proposal form (one per person). Or you can give us a call and we'll do this over the phone for you.
We are generally able to set up your cover the same day, if that's what you need.
How do I make a claim?
To make a claim please contact our claims management agent on the following:
Telephone: 08445 739299 (9am – 5pm: Monday to Friday)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please quote your name and policy number. If you need any assistance with this please contact us on 0203 982 0420.