As a company we're fortunate to have had countless wonderful reviews from our clients and we all know that nowadays reviews carry a lot of weight. I know, myself, when I want to buy something I take a few minutes to see what others think of the choice I've made.  If I read that a restaurant gives poor service or the food is below par I won't go.

At Practice Cover what do we do with all the wonderful locum insurance reviews we get?  We're rather reserved, non-pushy people. Although we put them on our website and we tweet them, we always assume the reviewer won't want his or her name plastered all over the Internet. We anonymise the reviews and, of course, without a name on them, the review has less value. Talk about selling ourselves short!

Now and again, when we're feeling brave, we ask the reviewer whether he or she would be happy for his name to appear. Even though people rarely say no, we don't make a habit of asking. Typical British reserve!

So last week, when we got a great review from a practice manager, we steeled ourselves and asked the question.

And here is what Mr Julian Smith of Harbourside Health Centre in Swansea said about us:

 "Great service, as always. Nothing too much trouble, even when required change to policy terms and conditions at short notice. Thank you."

Now we need to stop hiding our light under a bushel. It's good to get those names out there.

The opinions presented in this blog are solely those of the author on behalf of Practice Cover Limited and they do not constitute individual advice.


Thank you - very much better service than the [name removed], my previous providers!

GP, West Sussex

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