There is nothing like a juicy headline to stir up irritation and make you worry that you’re being fleeced.

Citizen’s Advice, Money Expert, the Associate of British Insurers, they’re all concerned – quite rightly, in my view – that people who buy insurance get a better price than ‘loyal customers’.

Those customers who have renewed their policy assuming that, as a ‘loyal customer’, they will get the best deal, have had their assumptions undermined by a so-called ‘loyalty penalty’, as insurers price their policies to attract new business, rather than rewarding existing clients.

The Telegraph has just announced proposals to ban the practice, with the Competition and Markets Authority being tasked with policing it.

But if you’ve got your locum insurance with Practice Cover, there’s no need to fear, because, once again, Practice Cover is ahead of the curve.

Back in 2013 we introduced a discount system which rewards existing clients when they reach their annual renewal.

The discount starts at their policy’s first renewal date, increases in year 2 and increases again in year 3 meaning that our clients can be sure they’re being rewarded for their loyalty.

Yet another reason for choosing Practice Cover.

The opinions presented in this blog are solely those of the author on behalf of Practice Cover Limited and they do not constitute individual advice. Practice Cover is a trading name of Practice Cover Limited and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority


Excellent communication. Thank you.

GP, Barrow in Furness

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