Our end of year figures show an increase of 50.84% in premiums over the year.  Thank you to each and every one of our clients (especially the 0.84% who enable us to say our business was up ‘by more than 50%!).

It’s a great result and it shows …

  • it’s never a good idea to buy business.  We have seen competitors cutting premiums to the bone to compensate for an otherwise unattractive locum insurance product.  Then, when the client needs to claim – unsurprisingly – they have to fight each step of the way.
  • clients like stability.  Our premium rates are reviewed each year to ensure they maintain a healthy balance between ‘premiums in’ and ‘claims out’.  For 5 consecutive years we haven’t increased our prices. Not one of our clients is paying any more for their cover this year than they did last year, or the year before …
  • clients like our cover.  They can choose ‘continuous’ cover for long-term peace of mind or ‘annually renewable’ cover if they’re on a tight budget. A choice of 3 levels of cover brings additional flexibility.
  • we don’t hide behind small print.  You’ve found a cheaper company which excludes ‘pre-existing conditions’?  If you ever make a claim, you could get embroiled in Catch 22: your illness becomes a ‘pre-existing condition’ when your policy reaches its next renewal date, so you’re excluded from further claims for a year, maybe 2 or more.  And you can’t even hope for cover elsewhere, as no-one will cover you now. 
  • we care.   Take a look at what our clients and their advisers say https://practicecover.co.uk/testimonials

We’re not going to buy business.

We’re not going to restrict our cover.

We’re not going to hide behind small print.

We are going to continue offering what we think is the best on the market.

And thank you to those who are already our valued clients.  We look forward to welcoming those who are not.

Lynda Cox

Practice Cover

January 2015

The opinions presented in this article are solely those of the author on behalf of Practice Cover Limited and they do not constitute individual advice. Practice Cover is a trading name of Practice Cover Limited and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority


Thanks for all of your help with this one!

Independent Financial Adviser, Preston

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